Thursday, September 2, 2010

The Pee Fight

Despite me objecting to the idea of letting the boys urinate in the shower just before showering, my husband liked the idea knowing they used the bathroom before bed.  Getting the boys to actually use the bathroom before bed was often a tedious ritual wrought with delay after delay.  So the peeing in the shower seemed to get the boys to bed sooner. 

For many months, it was just done before the actual washing began, but one night my 5-year-old screams, “pee fight!”   My 5 year old, who actually has amazing aim, starts spraying his brother who is squealing and trying to shield himself in the corner.  Once the older one is done, I see my 3 year olds amazing mind at work.  He stands directly in the middle of the shower and begins turning in a circle and peeing on his brother who can’t seem to outrun the “circle of yellow.” 

Let me say, before I had boys, I would have been MORTIFIED, if I heard this story from a friend.   I would have thought her children to be uncouth and unruly.  But after 5 years with boys, I couldn’t help but keep my mouth shut, laugh and let my boys be boys.  

In The Beginning . . .

I always knew exactly what I wanted out of life and when I would obtain those things (can you tell I am a type A personality?).  For the most part, they were true to form.  I wanted to be married in my 20’s, have my first child around the hip age of 30 (after I flew up the corporate ladder) and would have 3 children (2 boys and a girl).  Being swept up in a few childless minutes while vacationing in Aruba, I miscalculated the “safe” time for my husband and I to “be together” without protection and baby number 3 was conceived.  After the initial shock wore off and I realized that yes, it really can happen after one time of unprotected sex, I was dreaming in pink.

The day of my ultrasound with baby number 3, the tech was training a young student who began taking pictures.  After we determined that the baby was healthy, I couldn’t help but ask, “Is it a girl?  We have two boys.”  The tech in training smiled and said, “Oh, I think it is a girl.”   The head tech quickly corrected her with a “I don’t think so, I am pretty sure I saw boy.”  A few pictures later, we definitely had our first pictures of our third bouncing baby boy in 4 years.

And that was how my family of 3 boys began.  I really liked the idea of having boys as I came from a family of mostly girls, but I thought with 3 children surely one would be a girl.  Right?  I do think my life would be completely different if we had 3 girls but I am thankful for my blue blessings.   From corporate management to stay at home mom, my life is a great one.  I have met so many moms who also share in my joy of all boys, so I hope this blog hits home.  Even for someone who has girls, you many not always relate but my stories should at least bring a laugh or two.